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3907 Cherrywood Road
Austin, TX 78722

Vivaldi's Four Seasons Concert in Venice

Salem Travels Italy 2023 Opt. Activities

Vivaldi's Four Seasons Concert in Venice


Vivaldi's Four Seasons Concert in Venice


During our time in Venice, we will have the opportunity to hear the crowning achievement of Venice's most famous composer, the Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi. Performed in the 15th c. Scuola Grande di San Teodoro by master musicians in traditional Baroque period dress, this concert offers a quintessential musical experience in a uniquely authentic setting. 

The concert costs $75 per person for reserved seats in the first three rows. We will depart on foot to the concert (~12 minute walk) around 7:45 on our second night in Venice, which is the on-your-own evening of our three nights in Venice.

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